St. Ann School's Pre-K 3 program provides our littlest Patriots with an introduction to learning in an environment that is filled with support and encouragement. The basis of our Pre-K 3 program is center based learning with an emphasis on letter, color, and number recognition coupled with encouraging fine motor techniques. Religion is incorporated every morning and projects that reflect Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter are sprinkled throughout the curriculum. Students who attend our 5 full day program participate in gym and music class on a weekly basis.
St. Ann School's Pre-K 3 program runs Monday through Friday and families have the option of 5, 3, or 2 full or half days.
PreK 3 children wear the St. Ann School Gym Uniform with white velcro sneakers to school on a daily basis.
Half Day: 8:15 AM - 11:15 AM (includes snack)
St. Ann School is pleased to offer PreK for All classes. PreK for All provides four-year-olds with meaningful and enriching learning experiences in a fun and safe environment. Students have the opportunity to develop math, language, and social skills through group and independent classroom experiences. Our PreK For All philosophy is to encourage independence, help develop listening and concentration skills, build self-confidence and instill within each child a love for learning.
This free, full-day (8:15 AM - 2:20 PM), high-quality program is available five days per week from September through June. Breakfast, lunch and snack are provided daily. PKFA students are required to wear St. Ann School's gym uniform.
Religion is not included in this curriculum. However, students have the option of participating in daily preschool religion classes from 7:45 AM to 8:10 AM at no extra cost.
UPK First Day of School/Parent Orientation: Thursday, September 5th with parents. They will enter through the main school doors from 9 AM - 11AM.
UPK Friday, September 6th will be a full day of PreK fun from 8:15-2:20. No parents. Enter through the Jefferson Avenue glass prek doors.
For more information, please call (718) 351-4343.